If there's one thing that I've nurtured over my 30 years of life, it is the self-doubt-infused imposer syndrome that seems to make any reflection or judgement that I have of myself the textbook example of inability to reasonably assess my own abilities and potential.

In addition, 2018 was the first calendar year where I worked 100% as an independent consultant. As a result, I no longer have an everyday professional support system that I can tap into for objective and/or feedback, critiques, or peer reviews.

Because of this, I decided to crowdsource my year end review by asking a few questions to a group of people who have made a positive impact in my life over the years and whose opinion I truly value. This is what they had to say.


   *What are the things that I'm good at and that I should keep doing?*

As a consultant

As someone who deals with a lot of data

As a facilitator, teacher, and mentor